Guest Interviews
2. Purple Coach Conversations' interview with Amy Obiri, Social Work university student

Amy Obiri is a first year student at the University of Leeds where she is studying Social Work.
This episode we discuss what it's like to grow up as a young Black woman in England today.
This gets us talking about issues such as diversity levels in Universities and Cities across the country.
We also discuss how young people today have made an impact to the Black Lives Matter movement and cancel culture that was born out of the events following George Floyd's murder last year.
We learn some of the lessons that the younger generation can teach us about an inclusive mindset and attitude.

Books referenced:
1. We Need To Talk About Race
written by Ben Lindsay
We Need To Talk About Race: Understanding the Black Experience in White Majority Churches
2. Unhooking the Moon
written by Gregory Hughes
Watch the full video interview below:

You can also listen to an audio version of our interview here:

You can connect or follow Amy on Instagram: