Guest Interviews
7. Purple Coach Conversations' interview with Gina Moccio, Owner of US Networking Group Babecrafted, and Social Media Content Coach
This week join us on an inspiring conversation with Gina Moccio, who is founder of the Networking group of 150+ female entrepreneur Babecrafted and passionate about building a strong brand identity online.
In this episode we discussed the following, and much more:
Another passion of Gina's, that is, her work on diversity and inclusivity.
How important it is to not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk and actively be an ally for change.
We also discuss if racial diversity is important in companies, Networking groups, institutions etc. and if so, how it makes a difference to the overall organisation.
Gina is very open and candidly shares about not always getting it right, and how to correct things when we miss the mark on something.
Join us with Gina for inspiring ideas on how we can all make an impact on ensuring a more diverse and inclusive world.
Watch the full video interview below:
You can also listen to an audio version of our interview here:
Megan Ming Francis - Let's get to the root of racial injustice
Directory for Black owned businesses - The Hill Creatives
Dr Akilah Cadet - Dr Akilah Cadet - YouTube
Hello Seven - HelloSeven
Rachel Rodger - Founder of Hello Seven
Trudi Lebron - Website
Gina Moccio - Founder of Babecrafted
Connect with Gina: